
Import and Export CSV file in Laravel 5.8 – The easiest way


Laravel 5.8 is a powerful PHP framework that provides a wide range of features for web development. One of the common tasks in web applications is importing and exporting data in CSV format. CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a popular file format for storing tabular data. In this article, we will explore the easiest way to import and export CSV files in Laravel 5.8.

Importing CSV files

Importing CSV files in Laravel 5.8 is a straightforward process thanks to the built-in functionality provided by the framework. To import a CSV file, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new route in your web.php file to handle the import process. For example:

Route::post(‘/import’, ‘ImportController@import’)->name(‘import’);

Step 2: Create a new controller called ImportController using the following command:

php artisan make:controller ImportController

Step 3: Open the ImportController.php file and add the following code:


Excel::import(new UsersImport, $file);

return redirect()->back()->with(‘success’, ‘CSV file imported successfully.’);

Step 4: Create a new folder called «Imports» inside the «app» directory. Inside the «Imports» folder, create a new file called «UsersImport.php» with the following code:

‘email’ => $row[1],
‘password’ => bcrypt($row[2]),

Step 5: Create a new view file called «import.blade.php» and add the following code:




Step 6: Finally, create a new route in your web.php file to display the import form. For example:

Route::get(‘/import’, function () {
return view(‘import’);

Now, when you visit the «/import» route, you will see a form to upload a CSV file. After selecting a file and clicking the «Import» button, the CSV file will be imported into the database.

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Exporting CSV files

Exporting CSV files in Laravel 5.8 is also a straightforward process. To export data to a CSV file, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new route in your web.php file to handle the export process. For example:

Route::get(‘/export’, ‘ExportController@export’)->name(‘export’);

Step 2: Create a new controller called ExportController using the following command:

php artisan make:controller ExportController

Step 3: Open the ExportController.php file and add the following code:

Step 4: Create a new folder called «Exports» inside the «app» directory. Inside the «Exports» folder, create a new file called «UsersExport.php» with the following code:

Step 5: Create a new view file called «export.blade.php» and add the following code:

Export CSV

Step 6: Finally, create a new route in your web.php file to display the export link. For example:

Route::get(‘/export’, function () {
return view(‘export’);

Now, when you visit the «/export» route, you will see a link to download a CSV file. Clicking the link will download a CSV file containing the data from the «users» table.


In this article, we have explored the easiest way to import and export CSV files in Laravel 5.8. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily handle CSV files in your Laravel application. Importing and exporting CSV files is a common requirement in many web applications, and Laravel provides a convenient way to accomplish this task.

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