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Implement Flash Message with Laravel 5.7: Syntax for Flash Message

Step 1: Include the Session Facade

In order to implement flash messages in Laravel 5.7, you need to include the Session facade in your controller or wherever you want to use flash messages. The Session facade provides a convenient way to work with session data in Laravel.

To include the Session facade, you need to add the following line at the top of your controller:

use IlluminateSupportFacadesSession;

By including the Session facade, you can now use the session methods to set and retrieve flash messages.

Step 2: Set the Flash Message

Once you have included the Session facade, you can set a flash message using the flash method. The flash method accepts two arguments: the key and the value of the flash message.

Here’s an example of how to set a flash message:

Session::flash('success', 'Your message has been sent successfully.');

In this example, we are setting a flash message with the key ‘success’ and the value ‘Your message has been sent successfully’.

You can set flash messages for different types of messages such as success, error, warning, etc. By using different keys, you can differentiate between different types of flash messages.

Step 3: Display the Flash Message

After setting the flash message, you can display it in your view using the get method. The get method retrieves the value of the flash message based on the key.

Here’s an example of how to display a flash message:

    <div class="alert alert-success">
        {{ Session::get('success') }}

In this example, we are checking if a flash message with the key ‘success’ exists using the has method. If it exists, we display the flash message inside a div with the class ‘alert alert-success’.

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You can customize the HTML and CSS of the flash message according to your needs. You can also display different types of flash messages by using different keys and customizing the HTML and CSS accordingly.

That’s it! You have now implemented flash messages in Laravel 5.7. Flash messages are a great way to provide feedback to users and notify them about the status of their actions. They are especially useful for displaying success messages, error messages, and validation errors.

Remember to include the Session facade, set the flash message using the flash method, and display the flash message using the get method. With these simple steps, you can easily implement flash messages in your Laravel 5.7 application.



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