
Caesar Cipher in Python: Implementing César encryption


The Caesar Cipher is one of the simplest and oldest encryption techniques. It was used by Julius Caesar to send secret messages during wars. The concept behind the Caesar Cipher is to shift each letter in the plaintext by a certain number of positions down the alphabet.

Understanding the Caesar Cipher

The Caesar Cipher is a substitution cipher, where each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, if the shift is 3, then ‘A’ would be replaced by ‘D’, ‘B’ would become ‘E’, and so on.

The Caesar Cipher operates on the principle of modular arithmetic. In the English alphabet, there are 26 letters. So, if the shift is greater than 26, we can take the remainder after dividing the shift by 26 to get the equivalent shift within the range of the alphabet.

Implementing the Caesar Cipher in Python

Now, let’s see how we can implement the Caesar Cipher in Python. We will create a function called caesar_cipher that takes two parameters: the plaintext and the shift.

First, we need to convert the plaintext to uppercase using the upper() method. This is because the Caesar Cipher only works with uppercase letters.

Next, we will create an empty string called ciphertext to store the encrypted message.

Then, we will iterate over each character in the plaintext. If the character is a letter, we will shift it by the specified amount using the ord() and chr() functions.

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The ord() function returns the Unicode code point of a character, and the chr() function returns the character corresponding to a Unicode code point.

Finally, we will append the shifted character to the ciphertext string.

Encrypting a message

Now that we have implemented the Caesar Cipher, let’s encrypt a message using our caesar_cipher function.

First, we need to call the function and pass the plaintext and the shift as arguments. For example, if we want to encrypt the message «HELLO» with a shift of 3, we would call the function like this:

ciphertext = caesar_cipher(«HELLO», 3)

The resulting ciphertext will be stored in the ciphertext variable.

Decrypting a message

To decrypt a message encrypted with the Caesar Cipher, we simply need to shift each letter in the ciphertext in the opposite direction. For example, if the shift was 3, we would shift each letter 3 positions up the alphabet.

We can create a function called caesar_decipher that takes the ciphertext and the shift as parameters. The implementation of this function is similar to the caesar_cipher function, but instead of shifting the characters forward, we will shift them backward.

Once we have implemented the caesar_decipher function, we can decrypt a message by calling it with the ciphertext and the shift as arguments. For example:

plaintext = caesar_decipher(ciphertext, 3)

The resulting plaintext will be stored in the plaintext variable.

Handling special characters and spaces

So far, we have only considered encrypting and decrypting uppercase letters. However, the Caesar Cipher should also handle special characters and spaces.

To handle special characters and spaces, we can modify our caesar_cipher and caesar_decipher functions to check if a character is a letter before shifting it. If the character is not a letter, we will simply append it to the ciphertext or plaintext without shifting it.

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For example, if the plaintext is «HELLO, WORLD!» and the shift is 3, the resulting ciphertext will be «KHOOR, ZRUOG!»


In this article, we have learned about the Caesar Cipher and how to implement it in Python. We have seen how to encrypt and decrypt messages using the Caesar Cipher, as well as how to handle special characters and spaces. The Caesar Cipher is a simple encryption technique, but it can be a good starting point for understanding more complex encryption algorithms.

Remember to use encryption techniques responsibly and always consider the security implications of the encryption method you choose.



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