SQL Server

Table Variable in SQL Server: How to Declare a Table Variable


In SQL Server, a table variable is a variable that can hold a result set of data, similar to a temporary table. It is a useful tool for storing and manipulating data within a specific scope. In this article, we will explore how to declare a table variable in SQL Server and discuss its benefits and limitations.


To declare a table variable in SQL Server, you can use the following syntax:

Column1 DataType,
Column2 DataType,


The `@VariableName` is the name of the table variable, and `Column1`, `Column2`, etc. are the names of the columns in the table variable. You can specify the data type for each column.


Let’s look at an example to understand how to declare a table variable in SQL Server. Suppose we have a table called `Employees` with columns `EmployeeID`, `FirstName`, and `LastName`. We want to store the data from this table into a table variable.

DECLARE @EmployeeTable TABLE
EmployeeID INT,
FirstName VARCHAR(50),
LastName VARCHAR(50)

In this example, we declared a table variable called `@EmployeeTable` with three columns: `EmployeeID` of type `INT`, `FirstName` of type `VARCHAR(50)`, and `LastName` of type `VARCHAR(50)`.

Benefits of Using Table Variables

Table variables offer several benefits in SQL Server:

1. Scope: Table variables are only visible within the scope where they are declared. This means that they can be used in stored procedures, functions, or batches without conflicting with other table variables or temporary tables.

2. Memory Usage: Table variables are stored in memory, unlike temporary tables that are stored in the tempdb database. This can result in improved performance, especially for smaller result sets.

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3. Transaction Control: Table variables participate in the transaction control mechanism of SQL Server. This means that you can include them in transactions and rollbacks, ensuring data integrity.

4. Query Optimization: SQL Server’s query optimizer treats table variables differently than temporary tables. In some cases, using a table variable can result in better query performance.

Limitations of Table Variables

While table variables have many benefits, they also have some limitations:

1. Indexing: Unlike temporary tables, table variables do not support indexing. This can impact the performance of queries that involve large result sets or complex joins.

2. Statistics: Table variables do not have statistics, which can lead to suboptimal query plans. This can result in slower query performance compared to temporary tables.

3. Memory Usage: Although table variables are stored in memory, they can still consume a significant amount of memory if they hold a large amount of data. This can impact the overall performance of the server.

4. Table Structure Changes: Once a table variable is declared, you cannot alter its structure. If you need to modify the table structure, you will need to drop and recreate the table variable.


In this article, we discussed how to declare a table variable in SQL Server. Table variables are a useful tool for storing and manipulating data within a specific scope. They offer benefits such as scope control, memory usage, transaction control, and query optimization. However, they also have limitations such as lack of indexing, statistics, and inability to alter the table structure. It is important to consider these factors when deciding whether to use table variables in your SQL Server queries.

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