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Shell Script

Shell Getopts Options: Exploring Available Choices

1. Introduction

When writing shell scripts, it is often necessary to handle command line arguments. The `getopts` command in Shell provides a convenient way to parse and handle these arguments. It allows you to define options and arguments that can be passed to your script, making it more flexible and user-friendly.

In this article, we will explore the various options available for the `getopts` command in Shell. We will discuss the syntax of the command, basic options, advanced options, and provide some examples to illustrate its usage.

2. Syntax of the getopts Command

The syntax of the `getopts` command is as follows:

getopts optstring name [args]

– `optstring`: This is a string containing the option characters that the script should recognize. Each character in the string represents a single option. If a character is followed by a colon (`:`), it means that the option requires an argument.
– `name`: This is the name of the variable that will hold the current option.
– `args`: This is an optional parameter that specifies the arguments to be parsed. If not provided, the command line arguments will be used.

The `getopts` command returns the next option character found in the arguments. It sets the value of the variable specified by `name` to the option character, and the variable `OPTARG` to the option argument (if any).

3. Basic Options

The basic options for the `getopts` command include the following:

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– `-a`: This option is used to specify a single character option. For example, `-a` represents the option `-a`.
– `-b value`: This option is used to specify an option with an argument. For example, `-b 10` represents the option `-b` with the argument `10`.
– `-c`: This option is used to specify a boolean option. It does not require an argument. For example, `-c` represents the option `-c`.

4. Advanced Options

The `getopts` command also supports some advanced options, which provide more flexibility and control over the parsing of command line arguments. These options include:

– `–`: This option is used to indicate the end of options. Any arguments that follow `–` will be treated as non-option arguments, even if they start with a hyphen (`-`).
– `-n`: This option is used to specify the name of the variable that will hold the current option. By default, the variable `OPTARG` is used.
– `-o optstring`: This option is used to specify the option characters that the script should recognize. It is similar to the `optstring` parameter in the syntax of the `getopts` command.
– `-q`: This option is used to suppress error messages. If an invalid option is encountered, the script will continue without displaying an error message.
– `-s`: This option is used to specify the string that will be displayed as the error message when an invalid option is encountered. By default, the error message is printed to standard error.
– `-u`: This option is used to unset the variable specified by `name` when an invalid option is encountered. By default, the variable is set to `?`.

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5. Examples

Let’s take a look at some examples to see how the `getopts` command can be used in practice.

Example 1: Simple Option


while getopts «a» opt; do
case $opt in
echo «Option -a is set»
echo «Invalid option: -$OPTARG»

In this example, the script defines a single option `-a`. If the option is provided, it will print «Option -a is set». If an invalid option is encountered, it will print «Invalid option: –«.

Example 2: Option with Argument


while getopts «b:» opt; do
case $opt in
echo «Option -b is set with argument $OPTARG»
echo «Invalid option: -$OPTARG»

In this example, the script defines an option `-b` that requires an argument. If the option is provided with an argument, it will print «Option -b is set with argument «. If an invalid option is encountered, it will print «Invalid option: –«.

Example 3: Advanced Options


while getopts «a:b:c» opt; do
case $opt in
echo «Option -a is set»
echo «Option -b is set with argument $OPTARG»
echo «Option -c is set»
echo «Invalid option: -$OPTARG»

In this example, the script defines three options: `-a`, `-b`, and `-c`. The `-a` and `-c` options do not require arguments, while the `-b` option requires an argument. The script will print the corresponding messages when the options are encountered. If an invalid option is encountered, it will print «Invalid option: –«.

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6. Conclusion

The `getopts` command in Shell provides a powerful and flexible way to handle command line arguments in shell scripts. By defining options and arguments, you can make your scripts more user-friendly and versatile. In this article, we explored the various options available for the `getopts` command, including basic options and advanced options. We also provided some examples to illustrate its usage. With this knowledge, you can now confidently use the `getopts` command in your shell scripts.



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