Importing the necessary libraries
In order to create a rock paper scissors game in Python, we first need to import the necessary libraries. In this case, we will be using the random library to generate the computer’s choice. To import the random library, we can use the following code:
import random
Defining the game logic
Next, we need to define the logic of the game. The game of rock paper scissors follows a simple set of rules:
- Rock beats scissors
- Paper beats rock
- Scissors beats paper
We can define the game logic using a series of if-else statements. Here is an example of how we can do this:
def determine_winner(user_choice, computer_choice):
if user_choice == «rock»:
if computer_choice == «rock»:
return «It’s a tie!»
elif computer_choice == «paper»:
return «Computer wins!»
return «You win!»
elif user_choice == «paper»:
if computer_choice == «rock»:
return «You win!»
elif computer_choice == «paper»:
return «It’s a tie!»
return «Computer wins!»
if computer_choice == «rock»:
return «Computer wins!»
elif computer_choice == «paper»:
return «You win!»
return «It’s a tie!»
Getting user input
Now that we have defined the game logic, we need to get the user’s choice. We can use the input() function to prompt the user to enter their choice. Here is an example of how we can do this:
def get_user_choice():
user_choice = input(«Enter your choice (rock, paper, or scissors): «)
return user_choice.lower()
Generating computer’s choice
After getting the user’s choice, we need to generate the computer’s choice. We can use the random.choice() function from the random library to randomly select one of the three options: rock, paper, or scissors. Here is an example of how we can do this:
def get_computer_choice():
choices = [«rock», «paper», «scissors»]
computer_choice = random.choice(choices)
return computer_choice
Determining the winner
Once we have both the user’s choice and the computer’s choice, we can determine the winner by calling the determine_winner() function that we defined earlier. Here is an example of how we can do this:
user_choice = get_user_choice()
computer_choice = get_computer_choice()
winner = determine_winner(user_choice, computer_choice)
Displaying the results
Finally, we can display the results of the game to the user. We can use the print() function to output the winner. Here is an example of how we can do this:
print(«User’s choice: » + user_choice)
print(«Computer’s choice: » + computer_choice)
print(«Winner: » + winner)
And that’s it! With the above code, we have created a rock paper scissors game in Python. You can now play the game by running the code and entering your choice when prompted. Have fun!