
Handling Imbalanced Data in Python with SMOTE and Near Miss Algorithms


Handling imbalanced data is a common challenge in machine learning and data analysis. In many real-world scenarios, the distribution of classes in the dataset is often skewed, with one class being significantly more prevalent than the others. This can lead to biased models and inaccurate predictions. To address this issue, various techniques have been developed to handle imbalanced data.

What is Imbalanced Data?

Imbalanced data refers to a situation where the classes in a dataset are not represented equally. One class, known as the majority class, has a significantly larger number of instances compared to the other classes, known as the minority classes. For example, in a binary classification problem, if 90% of the instances belong to class A and only 10% belong to class B, the data is considered imbalanced.

Why is Imbalanced Data a Problem?

Imbalanced data poses several challenges in machine learning. Firstly, it can lead to biased models that favor the majority class. Since the majority class has more instances, the model may learn to predict that class more frequently, resulting in poor performance on the minority class.

Secondly, imbalanced data can lead to inaccurate evaluation of model performance. Traditional evaluation metrics such as accuracy can be misleading in the presence of imbalanced data. For example, if a model predicts the majority class for all instances, it may achieve a high accuracy even though it fails to correctly classify any instances from the minority class.

Lastly, imbalanced data can result in poor generalization of the model. Since the minority class is underrepresented, the model may not learn enough about that class to make accurate predictions on unseen data.

Common Techniques for Handling Imbalanced Data

There are several techniques available to handle imbalanced data:

  • Undersampling: This technique involves reducing the number of instances from the majority class to balance the dataset. Random undersampling randomly selects instances from the majority class until the desired balance is achieved. However, undersampling can lead to loss of information and may not be suitable for datasets with limited instances.
  • Oversampling: This technique involves increasing the number of instances in the minority class to balance the dataset. Random oversampling duplicates instances from the minority class or generates synthetic instances based on existing ones. However, oversampling can lead to overfitting and may not be effective if the minority class is already well-represented.
  • SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique): SMOTE is a popular oversampling technique that generates synthetic instances for the minority class. It works by selecting an instance from the minority class and finding its k nearest neighbors. Synthetic instances are then created by interpolating between the selected instance and its neighbors. SMOTE helps to address the issue of overfitting that can occur with random oversampling.
  • Near Miss: Near Miss is an undersampling technique that selects instances from the majority class based on their proximity to instances from the minority class. There are several variants of the Near Miss algorithm, each with a different approach to selecting the instances. Near Miss helps to address the issue of information loss that can occur with random undersampling.
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SMOTE Algorithm

SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) is an oversampling technique that aims to balance the dataset by generating synthetic instances for the minority class. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. Select an instance from the minority class.
  2. Find its k nearest neighbors from the minority class.
  3. Select one of the k nearest neighbors randomly.
  4. Generate a synthetic instance by interpolating between the selected instance and the randomly selected neighbor.
  5. Add the synthetic instance to the dataset.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until the desired balance is achieved.

SMOTE helps to address the issue of overfitting that can occur with random oversampling. By generating synthetic instances, SMOTE increases the diversity of the minority class and provides more training data for the model to learn from.

Near Miss Algorithm

Near Miss is an undersampling technique that aims to balance the dataset by selecting instances from the majority class based on their proximity to instances from the minority class. There are several variants of the Near Miss algorithm, each with a different approach to selecting the instances:

  • NearMiss-1: Selects instances from the majority class that have the smallest average distance to the three nearest neighbors from the minority class.
  • NearMiss-2: Selects instances from the majority class that have the smallest average distance to the three farthest neighbors from the minority class.
  • NearMiss-3: Selects instances from the majority class that have the smallest average distance to the three nearest neighbors from the majority class.

Near Miss helps to address the issue of information loss that can occur with random undersampling. By selecting instances based on their proximity to the minority class, Near Miss retains important information from the majority class while reducing its dominance in the dataset.

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Implementing SMOTE and Near Miss in Python

Python provides several libraries that implement SMOTE and Near Miss algorithms for handling imbalanced data:

  • imbalanced-learn: imbalanced-learn is a popular Python library for handling imbalanced data. It provides various oversampling and undersampling techniques, including SMOTE and Near Miss. The library is easy to use and integrates well with other machine learning libraries such as scikit-learn.
  • imblearn: imblearn is another Python library that provides implementations of SMOTE and Near Miss algorithms. It offers a wide range of options and parameters to customize the sampling process.

Here is an example of how to use the imbalanced-learn library to apply SMOTE and Near Miss algorithms:

from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
from imblearn.under_sampling import NearMiss

# Apply SMOTE
smote = SMOTE()
X_smote, y_smote = smote.fit_resample(X, y)

# Apply Near Miss
near_miss = NearMiss()
X_near_miss, y_near_miss = near_miss.fit_resample(X, y)

In the above example, X represents the feature matrix and y represents the target variable. The fit_resample() method is used to apply the sampling technique and return the resampled data.

Evaluating the Performance of the Algorithms

After applying SMOTE or Near Miss algorithms, it is important to evaluate the performance of the models trained on the resampled data. Traditional evaluation metrics such as accuracy may not provide an accurate representation of the model’s performance due to the imbalanced nature of the data.

Instead, it is recommended to use evaluation metrics that are more suitable for imbalanced data, such as:

  • Precision: Precision measures the proportion of true positive predictions out of all positive predictions. It is useful when the cost of false positives is high.
  • Recall: Recall measures the proportion of true positive predictions out of all actual positive instances. It is useful when the cost of false negatives is high.
  • F1 Score: The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It provides a balanced measure of the model’s performance.
  • Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC-ROC): AUC-ROC measures the model’s ability to distinguish between the positive and negative classes. It is useful when the cost of false positives and false negatives is balanced.
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By using these evaluation metrics, you can assess the performance of the models trained on the resampled data and compare them to models trained on the original imbalanced data.


Handling imbalanced data is a crucial step in machine learning and data analysis. Imbalanced data can lead to biased models, inaccurate evaluation, and poor generalization. To address this issue, various techniques such as SMOTE and Near Miss algorithms have been developed.

SMOTE is an oversampling technique that generates synthetic instances for the minority class, while Near Miss is an undersampling technique that selects instances from the majority class based on their proximity to the minority class. These techniques help to balance the dataset and improve the performance of machine learning models.

Python provides libraries such as imbalanced-learn and imblearn that implement SMOTE and Near Miss algorithms. These libraries make it easy to apply these techniques to imbalanced datasets and evaluate the performance of the models.

By using these techniques and evaluation metrics suitable for imbalanced data, you can effectively handle imbalanced data and improve the accuracy and generalization of your machine learning models.


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