
How to Declare a Global Variable in Python – Syntax and Examples

Using the global keyword

In Python, a global variable is a variable that can be accessed and modified from any part of the program. To declare a global variable, you need to use the global keyword followed by the variable name. This tells Python that the variable should be treated as a global variable.

The syntax to declare a global variable in Python is as follows:

global variable_name

By using the global keyword, you are informing Python that the variable should be considered global, even if it is declared inside a function.

Let’s take a look at some examples to better understand how to declare a global variable in Python.

Declaring a global variable outside a function

When declaring a global variable outside a function, you simply need to use the global keyword followed by the variable name. This will make the variable accessible from anywhere in the program.

Here’s an example:

global_var = 10

def my_function():

my_function() # Output: 10

In the example above, we declare a global variable called global_var and assign it a value of 10. Then, we define a function called my_function that prints the value of the global variable. When we call the function, it prints the value of global_var, which is 10.

Declaring a global variable inside a function

To declare a global variable inside a function, you need to use the global keyword followed by the variable name, just like when declaring it outside a function.

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Here’s an example:

def my_function():
global local_var
local_var = 20

print(local_var) # Output: 20

In the example above, we define a function called my_function and declare a global variable called local_var inside the function using the global keyword. We then assign a value of 20 to the global variable. After calling the function, we print the value of local_var, which is 20.

Accessing a global variable

Once a global variable is declared, it can be accessed from any part of the program, including inside functions.

Here’s an example:

global_var = 10

def my_function():

my_function() # Output: 10
print(global_var) # Output: 10

In the example above, we declare a global variable called global_var and assign it a value of 10. We then define a function called my_function that prints the value of the global variable. When we call the function, it prints the value of global_var, which is 10. We can also access the global variable outside the function and print its value, which is still 10.

Modifying a global variable

To modify the value of a global variable from within a function, you need to use the global keyword followed by the variable name, and then assign a new value to it.

Here’s an example:

global_var = 10

def my_function():
global global_var
global_var = 20

print(global_var) # Output: 20

In the example above, we declare a global variable called global_var and assign it a value of 10. We then define a function called my_function and declare the global variable inside the function using the global keyword. Inside the function, we assign a new value of 20 to the global variable. After calling the function, we print the value of global_var, which is now 20.

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Best practices for using global variables

While global variables can be useful in certain situations, it is generally recommended to minimize their use. Here are some best practices for using global variables in Python:

1. Avoid using global variables whenever possible: Global variables can make code harder to understand and maintain. Instead, consider using function arguments and return values to pass data between functions.

2. Use global variables sparingly: If you must use global variables, try to limit their scope to a specific module or class. This helps prevent naming conflicts and makes it easier to understand where the variable is being used.

3. Document your global variables: If you do use global variables, make sure to document them properly. Include comments that explain their purpose, expected values, and any restrictions or dependencies.

4. Consider using constants instead: If a variable is not meant to be modified, consider using a constant instead. Constants are typically declared at the module level and are named using uppercase letters.

5. Encapsulate global variables: If you have a group of related global variables, consider encapsulating them in a class or a data structure. This can help organize your code and make it easier to manage.

By following these best practices, you can use global variables effectively and minimize potential issues in your Python code.

In conclusion, declaring a global variable in Python is done by using the global keyword followed by the variable name. This allows the variable to be accessed and modified from any part of the program. However, it is important to use global variables judiciously and follow best practices to ensure clean and maintainable code.

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